Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

One More Way to Torture Myself

Yes, that's real, actually fluffysnow there. Looks beautiful, doesn't it? It's supposed to be 70 degrees in DC on Wednesday. Happy Thanksgiving!

**UPDATE** the cam is back up, pointed at Spruce Peak for now. Booooooring!



A year can be a long time. I gotta try to make this work and have a decent life in the next year before I blow this shithole. I did a major cleaning this weekend (out of desperation)...I wish I had "before" pics, but that's too embarassing.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Step 1

Did a clothing purge on Sunday. I have whatever is in my closet + 2 laundry bags. Now I gotta bag up the non-keepers and give em away. That's Step 1 in getting the house in order for sale. Baby steps.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Lack of Postin'

Not much Vermont type news lately. I did discover a new company in Colchester to send my resume to when the time comes. And went for drinks with an ol' friend/roommate this eve - thanks Martin-o, if you're reading this! I'm a touch intoxicated...the offer was one more cocktail=ride home, so I took the cocktail AND the ride home!

This post was, needless to say, heavily edited.