Friday, February 29, 2008

Get Well Soon

We'll see you in 2009

For those unfamiliar with the genius above, perhaps this will ring a bell*?

Can't stop now! This is why he's the best:


JennB said...

Sorry for my ignorance... who is that??

JennB said...

Also - we are having a hella ice storm today. Booo!!! I know you'd love it.

And since town meeting was yesterday, it's officially sugaring season! I saw some buckets out yesterday - nice ot know that some people still use the buckets. The sap lines are just so ugly.

Kristen S. said...

I hate those ugly-ass lines. I hope when I move up there I can get a few sugar maples on the property, so I can at least make a gallon or two of my own. Enjoy the ice :) (I'd prefer snow, though)